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What is the significance of 520? 2019-05-20

Today is 5,20, May the 20th. May 20 is Chinas second unofficial Valentines Day after the Western holiday. It may seem like a normal day for you, but for others, especially in China, its a day of love.Yes, It also is a Confession Day.

The numbers 520 are used to express I love you,' as the pronunciation of the two phrases is similar in Chinese. So today has been given a romantic meaning. During this lovely day, couples go on a date or spend time together. Surprisingly, many couples gather at civil affairs to get their marriage certificates and the waiting queue is about 100 meters long.

Have a nice day full of 520 and love! Dont forget to share your love as much as you can: today and everyday by using 520, the Chinese love word perfect for today!

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Dear Customers and Friends, Chinese new year is coming soon,on behalf of everyone in Fuzhou jiushang,we would like to wish you a Happy new year ! we have been worked and growed up  togerher in the past year of 2019.We appriciate working more with you in 2020 and hope that new year will bring you happiness and success. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. 

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